As promised, here's a little update on my life in college. Not totally Disney related, but I feel it necessary for all of those family and friends back home in Missouri!
(Don't worry, some Disney will pop up in here)
So as a lot of you were surprised to find out... MARIAH WENT THROUGH RECRUITMENT AND JOINED A SORORITY. I'm just as surprised as everyone else. I never thought I would end up joining a sorority, but now I'm so glad I did. Not only did I meet so many girls just going through the recruitment process, but I gained so many new sisters when the process was over. On Bid Day, I received a bid from Alpha Chi Omega and I couldn't have been happier! I really feel like I fit in with all of these girls so well! We haven't got to do much yet, but soon enough! We'll be initiated on October 25th and I can't wait!

Not only am I involved in AXO, but I am also a part of the recreation committee for Student Productions. We basically plan off campus trips for the study body, it's a lot of fun! In November, there will actually be a trip to Cirque du Soleil in Downtown Disney (now called Disney Springs) and I will HAVE to go because I've always wanted to. We also get even more discounted tickets being on the committee, so that's pretty awesome too!
My classes are pretty fun too! I'm absolutely loving my digital arts class if you haven't noticed yet!
I'm also taking an intermediate tap class and an intermediate jazz class which are SUPER fun! They're a little challenging, but challenge is good! We've done a lot of things I've never done before so I really feel like I'm broadening my horizons and learning so much!
Intro to criminology is really interesting, I'm enjoying that class and of course my chemistry class is just awful, I can not stand chemistry. But rather get it done now than later!
If you haven't seen either, I've also been to Disney twice since I've moved in (I wish more). I went to Epcot the first trip and Magic Kingdom the second trip and they were of course fun as always! I plan on going back soon so that I can go to Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios too!

Some of you may have also seen that I came home a couple weeks ago to surprise my mom for her birthday! That was probably one of my favorite things I've ever done in all honesty. If you saw the video of me surprising her, you would have seen that she had absolutely no idea and was completely shocked! Shoutout to dad for helping me with this. Little did I know when I came home though, it was also homecoming weekend! I was so excited because then that meant all my friends would be home too and I could see them! So Friday I got to go to the homecoming game and see everyone! Congrats to Rachel for homecoming queen, you deserve it! This was definitely a much needed weekend! I'm having a blast down here in Florida, but of course I get homesick too!

The next weekend I got to go on a retreat for my sorority called Relevant and that was a lot of fun too! I met a lot of people from other fraternities and sororities that I didn't know beforehand. I also learned a lot about the Multicultural Greek Council and the National Pan-Hellenic Councils and that was pretty awesome too! I had a great time.
All in all, I'm having a FANTASTIC time down here at Utampa! It's offering some great opportunities and I can't wait to see what else this school has in store for me!
More Disney to come soon. :)
See ya real soon!
"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney